June 15, 2023
Cabbage Cups with Rolling Greens Chic'ken, Pinto Bean & Avocado Cilantro Crema
Rolling Greens Chic'ken + Pinto Bean Cups. Avocado Cilantro Crema
For Serving
1 small head of cabbage
Squeeze of Lime
Edible Flowers for fun!
Chicken + Pinto Beans//
Prepare Rollin' Greens "Chic'ken" according to package instructions. After the chicken is cooked, add 1 can of drained pinto beans + generous pinch of sea salt. Everything is already generously seasoned, and the pinto beans add nice texture and flavor
Avocado Crema (Nut and Dairy Free)
1 medium-ripe avocado
1 large handful of cilantro (about 1/2 cup)
2-3 tbsp lemon or lime juice
1 small clove of garlic
1 in chunk of jalapeno
1/3 cup water
Blend all ingredients until smooth. Add a bit more water if needed. This should be the consistency of sour cream.
Makes about 1/2 cup
To serve
Scoop about 1/2 cup of "chic'ken" and pinto mixture into each cup. Add avocado crema. Garnish with cilantro, radish, and a squeeze of lime!
Serve immediately.
Makes about 12 cabbage cups.
recipe by Meredith Baird
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